Who Is CANCER-Free Kisha?
After being diagnosed at age 35 with Stage 3 Breast Cancer, Shakisha Davis decided to embrace her diagnosis and turn her pain into gain. So she started vlogging her chemo sessions and sharing valuable insights that were gained. Her videos began to touch many people and give light to a disease that affects many families. One day after reaching one of her lowest points, God revealed to her the purpose of her cancer journey.
Shakisha realized that she had to let God fight her cancer disease, but it was up to her to fight the cancers in her life that she could control. From that day, “C.A.N.C.E.R. Free Kisha” was birthed. At that moment, Shakisha embraced the CANCER Free Lifestyle and chose to cancel all negativity from her life that were hindering and distracting her from her destiny. From her journey of becoming CANCER Free, she can encourage and assist others in doing the same.
So come join CANCER Free Kisha and become a member of the CANCER Free Krew! It’s time for you to eliminate the cancers in your life, embrace what is waiting for you, and live abundantly CANCER Free!